Part 1 was this past Wednesdays Dupont ride which we started around 2:30. Ok, twice in one week is borderline excessive. Friday rolled around and it was way too nice to stay in. The plan was to meet around noon and hit Pisgah. Ciss
y and I hit the parking lot a little late but with just enough time to make a quick loop around davidson river trail/long branch/cat gap before we were to meet Noelle at the parking lot. We trucked it up the river trail and i quickly flatted. I changed the flat and proceeded to act like i was not suffering. I'd glance behind me and Cissy was always on my tail just a "grinning" and riding effortlessly. Note the smile and non-painful, relaxed poise on the bike. We hit the loop fast and blasted down cat gap to meet Noelle. The three of us took off for an extension of the first loop. Cissy and Noelle were moving at great speed and chatting as well. The three of us made good time up long branch back towards 475. There are a few fields/camping spots along longbranch that are absolutely beautiful. I spent several moments absorbing the beauty of the forest. It's a refreshing feeling to look up at the sky and see leaves dropping from the tip tops of magnificent poplars and other hardwoods of species that i can never remember. We hit 475 climbed up and dropped to butter gap. I always underestimate the climb to the top of butter gap from fs475. It's not a long climb but there's enough to flatten you out as you salivate in anticipation of the great drop down butter.
One of Pisgah's behind the scenes gurus/local legends (Todd - Mr. ORAMM/SWANK) led me down butter gap a few years ago. He told me that he'd show me the good lines if I'd stay on his wheel. 1st - i was way out of shape to ride with Todd, 2nd - logs scare me and 3rd - Todd is faster than a speeding bullet. I tucked in behind his wheel and stayed there till we dropped by the bridge @ cat gap. This was a descent I'll never forget. With the words of Scottie from the SS Enterprise floating in my rattling brain as I was trying to stay on his wheel, the scenery was zooming by at light speed. I didn't have time to think about falling off logs, broken bones, face vs. tree introductions - i had one thing in my frontal lobe and that was Todd's back wheel. I followed that wheel where ever it went, over every log, rock, drop, root etc. Heck if he would have hucked off the trail on a 30 ft drop, i would have been right there. Thinking never crossed my mind - just pedaling.
At the beginning of the Butter Gap downhill, I always remember aforementioned event. Never will that smoothness be imitated by me again. It was a once in a lifetime ride that will be honored in tradition somewhere in my noggin, in a closet full of other noggin notes. Cissy, Noelle and I hit the downhill and I could hear them on my tail. It was time for a little payback. Sure they could keep my breathing above drool level on the climb but could they match my pucker level attack on this terrain? Noelle was right on my tail. I hit the off camber creek rock and had just enough time to snap a shot of Noelle checking out an alternate route over the rock. You can ask her how it was.
On we went. Me feeling a little better about my riding abilities, approaching borderline "showoff level" wavered about riding one of the upper Butter Gap log crossings. My first mistake was wavering. "Obey the rules Luke" (in my best OB-1 inner voice) was going through my head as the log loomed in the distance. I hit the log slowly and sunk my back tire into an open split about 2/3 of the way across. My bike stopped ever so suddenly and i teetered to the left and gracefully exited landing upright on foot. Yay! All is well except for that little 45 degree bend in my rear wheel I noticed as i hopped off. The wheel bent back and with a little green spoke wrenching, it was good enough to ride out. Nothing like wasting a $90 rim on its inaugural voyage. It was my Mavic 317 Titanic. Bon voyage beotch! (it's since been replaced). Now I felt super cool. Two fine female riders, laughing their butts off at my inability to ride the entire log crossing. It's funny because I displayed my coolness and ballsy-ness just by riding the darn thing so it's not a question about ability but since i faltered in the easiest part of the log ride now it's a question of my humility. The ladies were graceful in their laughter and not too scolding. We finished this section of the ride, cat gap and back to the hatchery where Noelle parted ways and Cissy and I decided there was enough light remaining to climb 475 and drop Caney bottom. It was a spectacular fall day with perfect fall light and perfect fall crisp air . Trail and conversation could not have been better. An unending pause before we dropped Caney sealed the deal on the day. It was yet another perfect ride.